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Analysis Hub

Explore in-depth market insights across the relevant markets for German batteries

Long-term bess revenue potential

Monthly/Yearly aggregations

our revenue estimation

We want to show how the revenue potentials for BESS develops over time and how different market stacks influence the overall revenue potential. Given our non-profit background, we have to make some simplifications due to limited public data availability. The analysis therefore cannot give you a full picture on the expected revenues - however, it can give you valuable insights on developments. If you know ways to publicly access intraday auctions and intraday continuous market data - please let us know!!!
Our revenue estimations take the following boundary conditions into account:
  • Duration of battery: 1h and 2h
  • Roundtrip efficiency: 90%
  • Max. daily cycles: 2
  • Discrete bid sizes in markets are not taken into account
  • SoC at start of the day: 50%
  • SoC at end of the day: >50%
  • Market liquidity effects are not taken into account
    (revenue is independent of battery size)
So far, we make four different revenue estimations:
1. Day-ahead auction only:
  • Optimal solution given hindsight information about the prices and the constraints mentioned above
2. FCR auction only:
  • Full power bidded in FCR
3. aFRR capacity only:
  • Revenue so far only includes capacity revenue (assuming hindsight information about prices) - we are working on including the energy market
  • Power in aFRR is 40% for the 1h battery and 60% for the 2h battery
4. Day-ahead + FCR:
  • Optimal solution given hindsight information about market prices
  • Not regarding energy drift through FCR (no recharge management)
  • Energy requirements for FCR are regarded (always being able to deliver full power for 15 minutes)
If you have further ideas about charts or analysis you would like to see, please let us know at!
Sources: Entsoe, Regelleistung

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